Patriotic students have a chance to show it. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post and Auxiliary Post 798 in Newport are proud supporters of the VFW Voice of Democracy competition for 9-12th grade students. They can compete by preparing a patriotic essay and present it orally by submitting an audio disk or USB stick to VFW Post 798 no later than October 31, 2018. The 2018-2019 theme is “Why My Vote Matters.” Winners are recognized at the post, district, state, and national levels. Grand prize at National level is $30,000.
The VFW Post & Auxiliary 798 also sponsor Patriots Pen Essay Competition, for 6-8 grade students. Prepare a patriotic essay and submit it to VFW Post 798, no later than October 31, 2018. The 2018-2019 theme is: “Why I Honor the American Flag.” Winners are recognized at the post, district, state, and national levels. Grand prize at the national level is $5,000. Applications are available by contacting POC Chairman Mike Courson,, 802-249-5182, or POC Sadie Watters, at 802-323-9369.