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Pa­tri­otic stu­dents have a chance to show it. The Vet­er­ans of For­eign Wars (VFW) Post and Aux­il­iary Post 798 in New­port are proud sup­port­ers of the VFW Voice of Democ­racy com­pe­ti­tion for 9-12th grade stu­dents. They can com­pete by prepar­ing a pa­tri­otic es­say and pre­sent it orally by sub­mit­ting an au­dio disk or USB stick to VFW Post 798 no later than Oc­to­ber 31, 2018. The 2018-2019 theme is “Why My Vote Mat­ters.” Win­ners are rec­og­nized at the post, dis­trict, state, and na­tional lev­els. Grand prize at Na­tional level is $30,000.

The VFW Post & Aux­il­iary 798 also spon­sor Pa­tri­ots Pen Es­say Com­pe­ti­tion, for 6-8 grade stu­dents. Pre­pare a pa­tri­otic es­say and sub­mit it to VFW Post 798, no later than Oc­to­ber 31, 2018. The 2018-2019 theme is: “Why I Honor the Amer­i­can Flag.” Win­ners are rec­og­nized at the post, dis­trict, state, and na­tional lev­els. Grand prize at the na­tional level is $5,000. Ap­pli­ca­tions are avail­able by con­tact­ing POC Chair­man Mike Cour­son, mradar@to­, 802-249-5182, or POC Sadie Wat­ters, at 802-323-9369.

Earlier Event: October 14
Everyday Songs for Everyone
Later Event: October 16
Dislecksia: The Movie