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Join the biggest event of the year at the River of Life Camp when they hold their Night Maze on Sat­ur­day, Oc­to­ber 13 from 5:30 p.m. to 12 a.m. This corn maze is NOT in­tended to be a scary corn maze, but fam­ily friendly. Bring a flash­light! Open all night run­ning end­less games and ac­tiv­i­ties from in­flat­able ob­sta­cle courses in the multi-pur­pose build­ing to the corn maze in the dark!. Plenty of burg­ers, hot dogs and snacks, rally with live band mu­sic, share some Good News, and give away some awe­some prizes. Fin­ish off the night with a drive-in movie. All pro­ceeds go to­wards help­ing us of­fer camp schol­ar­ships to kids of fam­i­lies who can’t af­ford it. Cost: Ages 5 and un­der, free; ages 6 and older $5. Call 754-9600 for more in­for­ma­tion or http://​riveroflife­​events.

Later Event: October 14
Glover Jam Session