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John Rodgers, Jack Sum­burg, Chet Green­wood, Tabitha Arm­strong will speak about get­ting in­volved in lo­cal pol­i­tics. Jack Sum­berg will speak to town busi­nesses, get­ting in­volved, at­tend­ing meet­ings, and more. Mem­bers of the Re­pub­li­can and De­mo­c­ra­tic par­ties are wel­come. Fol­low­ing the speak­ers, all can­di­dates who are sched­uled to ap­pear on the Or­leans Cale­do­nia bal­lot have been in­vited to a meet and greet so vot­ers can meet their can­di­dates. Don’t let elec­tion day find you un­pre­pared. Join at Parker Pie in West Glover, on Sun­day, Oc­to­ber 21, from 4-7 p.m. For ques­tions or more in­for­ma­tion email: tabithaarm­strong­for­